Saturday 14 April 2018

Use Google Like A Pro!

Google,being most used search engine till date,used by many people around world.But after reading this post you will be more knowledgeable about how to use Google like a pro-faster and get a quick answers.

So lets start with the simple ones.

  • Head Or Tale?
consider when you and your friend or colleges got stuck up with a decision, and want to decide with only either of a options remaining and you decide to flip a coin.But wait! you have no coin!In such case you can use Google for flipping a coin.Just search 'Flip a coin' and your decision is ready.

Flip a coin on Google Search

  • Know your IP address
You want to know your Internet Protocol (IP) address? Just search on Google 'ip' or 'ip address',it will show up your ip address.
Search for IP address on Google.
  • Do a barrel roll
Want to make Google Search page roll like a barrel? Search 'do a barrel roll' on Google and check out the result yourself! 

  • Convert numbers to word
For example what will be 8203983 in English words? Search 'Number = English' and check out the results!
Numbers to word on Google search.

  • Do calculations on Google
Although its easy to do simple calculations on Google chrome in search bar,Google search will be more helpful while doing complex calculations.For calculator, search on Google - 'calc' or 'calculator' or make your mathematical problems directly through search.For example - 627+839
Google Calculator.

  • Search for specific file type
You want to download any power-point presentation or want to download any word file to your search results, search- 'your-search-query filetype:pdf'.
Search pdf files on Google.

  • Search in specific site
If you want to search results from specific site, use query -'your-search'
For example, -'why can't leopard hide?'
Results from specific website-Google search.
  • Set timer
You must be knowing this thing already.Search 'set timer for 10 minutes' , to set a timer of ten minutes.
Timer on google.
  • Atari Breakout on Google
Search for 'Atari Breakout'  in Google Images and play the game.(desktop only)

  • Google Gravity and Underwater
Try this fun tool for searching google.Gravity and Underwater!

  • In URL and In Title
Search with specific words in title or in website URL using 'inurl:google' or 'intitle:code'
Google search inurl and intitle.
  • Askew and <marquee>
Try searching 'Askew' and '<marquee>' on Google search and find what is does yourself!

With that thanks for reading this short post.If you like, don't forget to follow css-magz.
If you have more searches like this, mention in comment section.
Yet this are some simple searches, We'be coming soon with- 'How To Use Google Like A Super Pro!'

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