Thursday 24 May 2018

How to make a simple HTML5 website

Today, we're going to see how we can make a simple website or a web page in HTML5.HTML5 is the latest version of HTML till the date of writing this post.
make a simple HTML5 website.
So starting to write a web page before 2014, it was seen like below.
But in HTML5, if you opened any HTML5 web page's source code, you'll find the below lines at staring.
<!DOCTYPE html>
The above lines are the way important as they declare starting of a HTML5 document.The further tags in the document are as usual <html> ,<head> and <body>.

After adding the <head> , <title> and <body> tags, the code of the whole document looks like below. This is the sample HTML5 document.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>A HTML5 website</title>

<h1>The heading</h1>


Done! This is our sample HTML5 document or webpage. Many web pages linked together will make a website. Now you might be thinking, where's logo, favicon, paragraphs, and pictures on our webpage and how to insert them.

For that, we need to insert specific HTML tags for the particular item or object. For example, we can insert <img> tag to insert image and <p> for paragraph.

Every HTML document has these tags and thus the items exist on the webpage. You can check all of them by viewing the source code of the web page. To check web page's source, you can right-click anywhere on webpage>>click on view source. Or simply keyboard shortcut Ctrl+U(in Google Chrome).

Each tag, the way it starts, will end.For example paragraph tag-<p> will end like this- </p>

This is very simple and well explained on W3schools. You can go their and check.

For beautifying the website, means to add different colors and background color, to change fonts, to change borders to give different transitions and animations, CSS is used.
And finally, for making different actions, calculations and alert to a user, Javascript is used.
To write a comment anywhere in between, use <!-- your comment goes here -->
This is how the whole structure of HTML5 web page is. Till now, there are more than 110 tags in HTML. Some are introduced newly in HTML5 while some older tags are deduced in HTML5.

That's it is how you can make a simple website.I know the post is short, but will surely write one big with more info. Like us on Facebook.

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