Saturday 26 December 2020

Top 10 FREE Websites For Image Hosting

You want to add images to you website or blog or forum? Suppose you are running out of storage space which has been provided to you by your hosting provider.

In this case, these websites will come handily. Some of these websites can even host videos and other files as well. But our main motive here will be image storage.

Top 10 Websites List for image Hosting

These website list is not based on their rating or any other parameter. So its always better that you check out each website to decide which one best fits for you.

1. Catbox,moe is a great tool when comes to file hosting. Not only image, but other files can also be hosted here up to 200 MB limit.

It has its own official API. You can create a account to keep all your files and photos in them so you can get track of it.

2. is a website specially built for image hosting and has 500 KB limit. Limit seems to be very small but if you compress the images then you can get your job done.

PNG, JPEG and GIF files are supported. You can add image uploading to your website, blog or forum by installing their upload plugin.

Their plugin provides image uploading to any website by placing a button that will allow your users to directly upload images to our service and it will automatically handle the codes needed for insertion. All features included like drag and drop, remote upload, image resizing and more.

3. is a very simple website to upload images from your device. Seems like this service have strict TOS so you need to careful while being fully dependent on it.

It doesn't have any official API yet.

4. have many options while you upload image. You can reduce to a certain size, rotate, add tags before uploading image. You can also set a time after which image will be deleted automatically.

This site is already holding around 50 million images and don't have its official API.

You can register to create, store and organize your photos .
Registered users get a number of additional, very useful and convenient features like to:
  • Change, delete previously uploaded photos.
  • Group your photos into albums.
  • Upload up to 20 images (up to 7MB each) at a time.

5. is yet another site similar to The maximum size of the uploaded image file is up to 40Mb and you can upload it with or without registration (anonymously).

If you do not access file for one year then it might get deleted here. You can also upload videos here.

6. is similar to , but has limit of 100 MiB. You can upload your image files - including videos and text files.

There is also very simple API available.

7. is a file hosting service. You can upload your image files here. Limit per file is 25 MB.

You can also create a account to keep track of your uploads.

8. is a simple website for uploading content. It also have ShareX (Windows) or API endpoint. You can upload and share any files for free, instantly from anywhere.

9. is a simple website where you can register and create a account to upload files up to 25 MB. You can also upload files without registering. Only image files are allowed and there are encrypted by a public key.

10. is similar to, but has file uploading limit up to 200 MiB. There is an API you can send requests to. It has a very simple interface.


So these were some of the websites you can upload your image files to. Make sure not to abuse them as they are free and most of them don't have any ads on them. Make sure you read their terms and conditions before uploading files.

You can use these websites for uploading images on your WordPress blog, or to share link in forums.

Some of these are open source so you can build your own version and host it. If you know any such site you can comment down below.

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